View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001708Far ManagerPanelpublic2013-04-25 14:01
Reportergrey.leo Assigned ToDrKnS  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version2003 SP2
Product Version2.0 
Fixed in Version3.0 
Summary0001708: Unexpected '.' and '..' subfolders
DescriptionThere are "visible" '.' folder for many "non-native" network shares.
Causing recursively delete/copy/find bug
Steps To ReproduceConnect to
 - "make available offline" network share
 - Novell CIFS network share
 - MS Virtual PC 2007 shared folder
Additional Information
TagsNo tags attached.


duplicate of 0001654 closed extra "." and ".." in the directory panel 



2011-03-17 23:01

reporter   bugnote:0006539

Confirming the issue on Windows XP SP3 with Virtual PC shared folders


2011-12-23 08:24

administrator   bugnote:0008192

Should be fixed in 2304.


2011-12-23 09:41

reporter   bugnote:0008199

I've tried 2311 - many thanks!
But you make a side effect.
If share has structure like
FAR 2311 can "CD" to "subdir" only, no any access to
 or even

That is for Novell CIFS shares


2012-12-26 09:36

reporter   bugnote:0009903

Long time ago...
I can confirm that issue hasn't been solved.
FAR2 build 1666 shows '.' and double '..' on Novell CIFS shares, but FAR3 (and FAR2 build 1807) does not even CD to such share/mapped disk - "Access denied" "You need to provide administrator permission" subwindow pops up

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-02-07 08:14 grey.leo New Issue
2011-03-17 23:01 dvv Note Added: 0006539
2011-03-21 23:39 alexy Relationship added duplicate of 0001654
2011-12-23 08:24 alexy Note Added: 0008192
2011-12-23 08:24 alexy Assigned To => DrKnS
2011-12-23 08:24 alexy Status new => feedback
2011-12-23 09:41 grey.leo Note Added: 0008199
2011-12-23 09:41 grey.leo Status feedback => assigned
2012-12-26 09:36 grey.leo Note Added: 0009903
2013-04-25 14:01 alexy Build => 2304
2013-04-25 14:01 alexy Status assigned => closed
2013-04-25 14:01 alexy Resolution open => fixed
2013-04-25 14:01 alexy Fixed in Version => 3.0