View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
0003599 | Far Manager | Keyboard | public | 2018-04-18 22:04 | 2018-05-16 23:04 |
Reporter | azonin | Assigned To | |||
Priority | normal | Severity | minor | Reproducibility | always |
Status | new | Resolution | open | ||
Platform | x64 | OS | Windows | OS Version | 10 |
Product Version | 3.0 | ||||
Summary | 0003599: Keyboard shortcut "Change to the root folder" Ctrl+\ stopped working | ||||
Description | Both the latest stable (5151) and the nightly (5193) are affected - this keyboar shortcut doesn't work anymore. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Go into any subfolder on any drive and press Ctrl+\ to get back to the root of that drive. Nothing happens. | ||||
Tags | Ctrl+\ root | ||||
Build | |||||
It works for me (Far 3.0.5188). It may be some Far macro or even another application that intercept that key combination. |
More specifics: it works when you don't run FAR as local Administrator. It does NOT work when you run it as Administrator. |
> It does NOT work when you run it as Administrator. I always run Far as Administrator. |
what keyboard layout is used by local administrator. in some layouts (uk for example) \-key is not \-symbol. |
Here is the video of me downloading the latest msi, installing on Win10, and running it with default config as a regular user and it works. Then running it 2 ways as an admin, and neither works. The local admin user has US kb layout, and I'm definitely seeing "\" when I hit that key, which can be seen in this video: My UAC settings are default Win10. What is a good way to troubleshoot this? |
I also tried toggling the "CtrlKeyShortcutsDisabled" setting in the properties, tried running in compatibility mode with Win7 and Win8, tried "use legacy mode" - nothing works as long as I run it as admin. |
Any news on this? |
Run this code in commandline and press Ctrl+\What key is reported? |
Non-admin mode: CtrlBackSlash Admin mode: nothing - the popup doesn't come up |
Figured it out: 1Password v7 for Windows is blocking Ctrl+\ for itself globally, to bring up its interface when you have an active web browser window open. If you have another window, it's simply blocking the Ctrl+\ and does nothing. The immediate solution is to reassign 1Password to use another shortcut key. |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2018-04-18 22:04 | azonin | New Issue | |
2018-04-18 22:04 | azonin | Tag Attached: Ctrl+\ root | |
2018-04-18 23:06 | shmuel | Note Added: 0016052 | |
2018-04-18 23:59 | azonin | Note Added: 0016053 | |
2018-04-19 00:19 | shmuel | Note Added: 0016054 | |
2018-04-19 05:58 | zg | Note Added: 0016055 | |
2018-04-26 23:22 | azonin | Note Added: 0016060 | |
2018-04-26 23:55 | azonin | Note Added: 0016061 | |
2018-05-14 19:00 | azonin | Note Added: 0016109 | |
2018-05-15 07:18 | JohnDoe | Note Added: 0016110 | |
2018-05-16 22:54 | azonin | Note Added: 0016117 | |
2018-05-16 23:04 | azonin | Note Added: 0016118 |