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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003791Far ManagerFile Maskspublic2024-01-06 20:01
ReporterHaRT Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS Version8
Product Version3.0 
Summary0003791: The “Group of file masks” dialog has no UUID
DescriptionThe dialog doesn't have a UUID, so it is impossible to apply the Dialog_Maximize script to the dialog.

Also, the dialog's title (shared with main menu item and with groups menu) is not quite appropriate. Ideally it is separated as “Group of file masks”.
╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Groups of file mas&ks ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
║  arc        │ *.rar,*.zip,*.[zj],*.[bg7x]z,*.[bg]zip,*.tar,*.t[agbx]z,*.ar[cj],*.r[0-9][0-9],*.a[0-9][0-9],*.bz2,*.cab,*.msi,*.jar,*.lha,*.lzh»║
║  config     │ *.cfg,*.ini,*.conf,*.vlx,*rc|/[._-].?rc$/                                                                                        ║
║  doc_bin    │ *.rtf,*.doc,*.dot,*.x                                                                       mpt,*.vsd,*.vst, *.docx,*.docm,*.dot»║
║  doc_txt    │ *.htm,*.html,*.xhtml,   ╔════════════════════ Groups of file masks ═════════════════════╗   g,*.txt,*.eml,*.asp,*.asc,*.asax,*.a»║
║  exec       │ *.exe,*.com,*.bat,*.c   ║ Name:                                                         ║                                        ║
║  exec_drv   │ *.vxd,*.386,*.sys,*.d   ║ arc                                                           ║                                        ║
║  media_aud  │ *.669,*.6cm,*.8cm,*.8   ║ A file mask or several file masks:                            ║   w,*.amr,*.ape,*.au,*.aud,*.avr,*.ban»║
║  media_pic  │ *.ai,*.ani,*.bmp,*.bm   ║ a,*.hpk,*.ddi,*.x2,*.rkv,*.[lw]sz,*.h[ay]p,*.lim,*.sqz,*.chz  ║   ico,*.icns,*.ief,*.jfi,*.jfif,*.jif,»║
║  media_vid  │ *.3g2,*.3gp,*.3gp2,*.   ╟───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢   *.cvc,*.dce,*.dir,*.divx,*.dv,*.dvr-»║
║  multimedia │ <media_aud>, <media_p   ║                       { OK } [ Cancel ]                       ║                                        ║
║  prog_aux   │ *.etp,*.csproj,*.cspr   ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝   cxproj,*.vcxproj.filters,*.ssmssqlpr»║
║  prog_int   │ *.pyc,*.lib,*.obj,*.p                                                                                                            ║
║  prog_src   │ *.moon,*.lua,*.fmm,*.FarMacro, *.css,*.js,*.vbs,*.rb,*.py, *.pr[lifo],*.qrc, *.c,*.cc,*.cpp,*.cxx,*.txx,*.inl,*.m,*.mm,*.h,*.hpp»║
║  shortcuts  │ *.lnk,*.pif,*.url,*.xnk                                                                                                          ║
║  temp       │ *.bak,*.tmp                                                                                                                      ║
╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Edit: Ins, Del, F4, F7, Ctrl+R ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
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2024-01-06 20:01

reporter   bugnote:0017508

GUID named EditMaskGroupId was added by b5956 in Jan 2022.
The dialog title is not fixed yet. Unfortunately I cannot edit the issue title.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-04-27 13:51 HaRT New Issue
2024-01-06 20:01 HaRT Note Added: 0017508