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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0003859Far ManagerCopy/Movepublic2021-11-03 13:55
Reporterhoffenfar Assigned ToDrKnS  
PriorityimmediateSeveritymajorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.0 
Fixed in Version3.0 
Summary0003859: Copying a file over itself leads to data loss
DescriptionI've accidently chosen the same directories on the left an right panel.
Then copying the file from left to right (F5).
Copy method is 'system'.
No warning appereared.
File was copied, it seems.
Other day I see that the file contains nothing (blanks or nulls, didn't look further).
Not a big problem in this case, as I have backups - but it had been catastrophic if not (the file was a 180 MB sqlite infobase from cherrytree :-).
It should not be possible to copy a file onto itself (at least a warning is required!).
FAR Version ist 5775.
Steps To ReproduceNavigate to the same folder left and right.
Copy file A from the left to the right.
Look into the file.
TagsNo tags attached.



2021-04-09 11:01

administrator   bugnote:0017056

There's already a check for copying a file over itself, I'd expect it to work in trivial cases like this one.

While I can fool it with some additional trickery, I can't using your steps only.

Could you clarify please:
- "Navigate to the same folder left and right" - is it literally the same path or a symlink / subst to the same location?
- "Copy file A from the left to the right" - when you press F5, what exactly appears? What path is entered in the destination field?


2021-04-09 11:03

reporter   bugnote:0017057

Not reproducible on 5778
╔═════ M:\Far30b5778.x86.20210409 ═════╗╔═════ M:\Far30b5778.x86.20210409 ═════╗
║n      Name       ║       Name        ║║n      Name       ║       Name        ║
║..                ║FarGer.lng         ║║..                ║FarGer.lng         ║
║Addons            ║FarHun.hlf         ║║Addons            ║FarHun.hlf         ║
║Documentation     ║FarHun.lng         ║║Documentation     ║FarHun.lng         ║
║Encyclopedia      ║FarIta.lng         ║║Encyclopedia      ║FarIta.lng         ║
║FExcept           ║FarLit.lng         ║║FExcept           ║FarLit.lng         ║
║Legacy            ║FarPo                                  ║FarPol.hlf         ║
║Plugins           ║FarPo   ╔═══════ Error ════════╗       ║FarPol.lng         ║
║PluginSDK         ║FarRu   ║ Cannot copy the file ║       ║FarRus.hlf         ║
║changelog         ║FarRu   ║      FarPol.hlf      ║       ║FarRus.lng         ║
║Far.exe           ║FarSk   ║     onto itself      ║       ║FarSky.hlf         ║
║Far.exe.ini       ║FarSk   ╟──────────────────────╢       ║FarSky.lng         ║
║           ║FarSp   ║        { OK }        ║       ║FarSpa.lng         ║
║FarBel.lng        ║FarUk   ╚══════════════════════╝       ║FarUkr.hlf         ║
║FarCze.hlf        ║FarUk                                  ║FarUkr.lng         ║
║FarCze.lng        ║File_id.diz        ║║FarCze.lng        ║File_id.diz        ║
║FarEng.hlf        ║lpeg.dll           ║║FarEng.hlf        ║lpeg.dll           ║
║FarEng.lng        ║lua5.1.dll         ║║FarEng.lng        ║lua5.1.dll         ║
║FarGer.hlf        ║lua51.dll          ║║FarGer.hlf        ║lua51.dll          ║
║FarPol.hlf       289158 09.04.21 06:07║║..                 Up   09.04.21 13:01║
╚ Bytes: 18,5 M, files: 32, folders: 7 ╝╚ Bytes: 18,5 M, files: 32, folders: 7 ╝
M:\Far30b5778.x86.20210409>                                                    ↑
1Help   2UserMn 3View   4Edit   5Copy   6RenMov 7MkFold 8Delete 9ConfMn 10Quit


2021-04-09 15:41

reporter   bugnote:0017058

This is very strange.
I never noticed that behaviour ever before, too.
Yes, the left and right panels show the physical identical paths.
I will try to reproduce the error as soon as possible.


2021-04-09 16:06

reporter   bugnote:0017059

I've got it: If more than one file is marked for copy, then the desaster happens..... see attached screenshots.


2021-04-09 17:33

administrator   bugnote:0017060

Yes, that's it. 5779 (hopefully).

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-09 07:41 hoffenfar New Issue
2021-04-09 11:01 DrKnS Note Added: 0017056
2021-04-09 11:03 Px Note Added: 0017057
2021-04-09 15:41 hoffenfar Note Added: 0017058
2021-04-09 16:06 hoffenfar Note Added: 0017059
2021-04-09 16:06 hoffenfar File Added: 2021-04-09 17_04_28-Window.jpg
2021-04-09 16:06 hoffenfar File Added: 2021-04-09 17_04_43-Window.jpg
2021-04-09 17:33 DrKnS Assigned To => DrKnS
2021-04-09 17:33 DrKnS Status new => feedback
2021-04-09 17:33 DrKnS Note Added: 0017060
2021-11-03 13:55 DrKnS Status feedback => closed
2021-11-03 13:55 DrKnS Resolution open => fixed
2021-11-03 13:55 DrKnS Fixed in Version => 3.0
2021-11-03 13:55 DrKnS Build => 5779