View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004000Far ManagerFindFilespublic2023-08-31 18:29
ReporterPanda38 Assigned ToDrKnS  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx64OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version3.0 
Fixed in Version3.0 
Summary0004000: Crash with "integer divide by zero" searching text Alt+F7 in file KEYPAD.BMP
DescriptionCrash with "integer divide by zero" when searching any text in the files with Alt+F7 and when will check the file KEYPAD.BMP (see attachment).
Steps To ReproduceMove KEYPAD.BMP to some directory and try searching Alt+F7 for e.g. the text "test".
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-08-04 19:02

reporter (134,356 bytes)


2023-08-04 21:25

administrator   bugnote:0017445

Congratulations, you have found a Windows bug.

Fixed in 6176.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-08-04 19:02 Panda38 New Issue
2023-08-04 19:02 Panda38 File Added:
2023-08-04 21:25 DrKnS Assigned To => DrKnS
2023-08-04 21:25 DrKnS Status new => feedback
2023-08-04 21:25 DrKnS Note Added: 0017445
2023-08-31 18:29 DrKnS Status feedback => closed
2023-08-31 18:29 DrKnS Resolution open => fixed
2023-08-31 18:29 DrKnS Fixed in Version => 3.0
2023-08-31 18:29 DrKnS Build => 6176