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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0004054PluginsNetBoxpublic2024-10-01 17:32
Reporteralakazaar Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Platformx64OSWindowsOS Version10
Product Version3.0 
Summary0004054: Far crush almost 100% if trying to cancel NetBox search (scp)
DescriptionNetBox, scp session at least, has strong problems with cancelling search process. Search either does not stop, or Far crush happen.
Steps To ReproduceOpen NetBox, scp session. Start search with many files available, i.e. long process

Last build ignores "S" button at all (Stop search). If press Cancel, search cancel dialog appears. Choose "Yes" (depending on the moment, some dialog variants appear, and Ok/Cancel variant also does not really cancel anything) - shortly after that Far crush happen.
TagsNo tags attached.



2024-09-25 09:04


bug_report.txt (336,954 bytes)
far.mdmp (615,894 bytes)


2024-09-28 11:33

reporter   bugnote:0017578

I cannot reproduce your bug. Can you provide a detailed description of what you were doing step by step? Also, it would be better if you enable debug log and then attach it here.

Have you tried to reproduce the bug on other servers?

> Last build ignores "S" button at all (Stop search).
Do you know what builds are free of the bug?


2024-09-30 08:02

reporter   bugnote:0017579

I have several servers with different Linux versions, but the problem is always the same.
I have a lot of large log files there - 100 files 10M each, and low speed internet connection ~500K/s

Open NetBox connection (SCP), start content search (Alt+F7), now see a status window with running progress bar, showing files are being downloaded and searched one by one

1. Press ESC - a dialog "Do you really want to cancel it" appears with Yes-No buttons. Press Enter - nothing happens ! Progress bar continues running like nothing was cancelled.
But actually it varies, in some cases (rare) it does cancel immediately, sometimes it continues with current file download and stops then, sometimes it stops after 2-3 files, sometimes does not stop at all.
And also is nome cases I see another dialog "Cancel current operation" with Ok-Cancel buttons, and pressing Enter here (i.e. "Cancel") has no affect at all. Always.

2. Pressing "S" key is also strange. Most times it has no affect. But 1% if I press it in some time slot, is does stop, but I failed to find the pattern for it

3. Pressing "V" or "G" kets (View or Go To) also has effect in some % of cases. Actually pressing left-right buttons to select action is delayed, like I work with CDROM on Windows.
I tried several times right now, and I got crush only at 10-th attempt, while most cases with happend ~100% times.

So, the crush happened after "V" press in some moment. Right now I got an error message "Copying file ... failed", message SCP Protocol error: illegal file descriptor format
After I press Ok there, after some small delay a crash happened

What do you mean by Debug log ?

I cannot say much about the version, as I update Far rarely. For sure the problem was present in 6204 and 6221, I am not sure about 5963, and my previous installations are 2020 year and ealier


2024-09-30 08:03

reporter   bugnote:0017580

Btw, dialog "Cancel current operation" behaves strangely. Sometimes it appears onscreen, and shortly disappeares


2024-10-01 17:32

reporter   bugnote:0017582

> What do you mean by Debug log ?
I meant configuring Logging setting -> Enable Logging -> Logging level: Debug 2.
But now I don't need that logs anymore.

Using Alt-F7 to find files containing some text is pretty inefficient. Far needs to download each file to the local system to do the search for some text. When file is downloading in SCP mode, you cannot cancel transfer because this will lead to a broken connection (this will eventually crash Far (some day this may be fixed)).

So, when you are pressing Esc, you either see "Cancel transfer" msgbox from NetBox plugin - and you should not press Yes, or you can see "Cancel operation" from Far - you should be able to press Cancel here, but it is quite hard to catch.

Also, there are bugs in "V" and other stuff you mentioned.

I have plans to fix many of this bugs, but not now. You can use SFTP mode for better experience, at least you can cancel transfers in that mode.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-25 09:04 alakazaar New Issue
2024-09-25 09:04 alakazaar File Added: bug_report.txt
2024-09-25 09:04 alakazaar File Added: far.mdmp
2024-09-28 11:33 ssvine Note Added: 0017578
2024-09-30 08:02 alakazaar Note Added: 0017579
2024-09-30 08:03 alakazaar Note Added: 0017580
2024-10-01 17:32 ssvine Note Added: 0017582