View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002452Far ManagerFile Maskspublic2013-07-27 11:31
Reporterfarman Assigned ToDrKnS  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Platformx86OSWindowsOS VersionXP SP3
Product Version3.0 
Fixed in Version3.0 
Summary0002452: Can't add new Mask to 'Groups of file masks' (since ver3566)
DescriptionSince ver 3566 a new Mask can't be added to 'Groups of file masks'.

Steps To ReproduceF9 o
  -> 'Groups of file masks'

=> Dialog:
═══════════════════════ Exception occurred ═════════
Exception: Access violation (read from 0x0000000A)
Address: 0x0046DBE2
Function: wmain
Module: K:\TOOLS\Far3\Far.exe
                   { Terminate Far } [ Debug ]

TagsNo tags attached.



2013-07-27 11:31

administrator   bugnote:0011293


Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-27 10:52 farman New Issue
2013-07-27 11:28 DrKnS Assigned To => DrKnS
2013-07-27 11:28 DrKnS Status new => assigned
2013-07-27 11:31 DrKnS Build => 3569
2013-07-27 11:31 DrKnS Note Added: 0011293
2013-07-27 11:31 DrKnS Status assigned => closed
2013-07-27 11:31 DrKnS Resolution open => fixed
2013-07-27 11:31 DrKnS Fixed in Version => 3.0